LOPEZ Christophe

LOPEZ Christophe

Co-Responsable Equipe Multisense & Body
Directeur/rice de Recherche
  • Co-responsable de l'Ă©quipe Multisense & Body
  • Coordonne l’ANR (PRC) « VESTISELF Â»
  • Dirige l'Ă©quipe thĂ©matique hors murs "Cortex et cognition" du GDR Vertige
  • Responsable du PĂŽle Sud de l'Institut Carnot Cognition (3 laboratoires: CRPN, LPL, LIA)

ThĂšmes de recherche

Neurosciences cognitives vestibulaires: bases vestibulaires et multisensorielles de la conscience de soi corporelle
  • cortex vestibulaire
  • perceptions vestibulaires et somesthĂ©siques
  • reprĂ©sentations corporelles
  • cognition spatiale
  • conscience de soi, conscience du corps
  • otoneurologie
Recherches actuelles

Investigateur principal de l’ANR VESTISELF (2020-2023) et du projet BODILYSELF « Vestibular and multisensory investigations of bodily self-consciousness Â» (Career Integration Grant from the FP7 European Union’s Marie Curie program)

Ma recherche porte sur l’intĂ©gration multisensorielle et la perception vestibulaire, ainsi que sur les adaptations sensori-motrices au cours des maladies du systĂšme vestibulaire (l’oreille interne).

J’étudie les effets de stimulations vestibulaires (stimulations vestibulaires galvaniques et caloriques, plateformes de mouvements pour le corps entier, fauteuils rotatoires) sur plusieurs aspects de la perception corporelle et de la conscience de soi (par exemple, la prise de perspective visuo-spatiale, le sentiment d’appartenance du corps, le schĂ©ma corporel et l’image du corps).

Ces études sont conduites chez des volontaires sains, des patients avec des lésions cérébrales, des patients épileptiques et des patients avec des maladies du systÚme vestibulaire, en utilisant des approches de la neuropsychologie et de la neuroimagerie fonctionnelle (électroencéphalographie, EEG).

Mes recherches combinent des approches des neurosciences cognitives, de la psychologie expĂ©rimentale et de la physiologie vestibulaire. La gamme des techniques utilisĂ©es comprend : l’EEG de surface, l’EEG intracrĂąnienne (patients Ă©pileptiques), les stimulations vestibulaires caloriques, les stimulations vestibulaires galvaniques, les VEMPS ou vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials, l’IRMf, la psychophysique, la vidĂ©onystagmographie, la posturographie.


Physiologie vestibulaire; psychophysique vestibulaire; rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle; plateforme de mouvement pour le corps entier (Robulab); stimulations vestibulaires galvaniques; Ă©lectromyographie (potentiels Ă©voquĂ©s myogĂ©niques vestibulaires); Ă©lectroencĂ©phalographie.

Financements principaux
  • 2020 – 2023 : ANR (PRC). â€œVESTISELF – The vestibular system: a hidden sense for a core sense of self”. 48 mois. Investigateur principal, coordonnateur scientifique (454 727 €). Partenaires : F. Bartolomei, M. ElziĂšre, B. Lenggenhager.
  • 2019 – 2020 :Actions Incitatives FR3C. â€œPartager le point de vue des autres : Ă©tude dĂ©veloppementale de mĂ©canismes cognitifs incarnĂ©s et implicites”. Investigateur principal (6 900 €).
  • 2015 – 2018 : VolkswagenStiftung. “Finding Perspective : determining the embodiment of perspectival experience”. Co-investigateur (390 800 euros, dont 85 600 euros gĂ©rĂ©s par le CNRS).
  • 2013 – 2017 : Career Integration Grant from the FP7 European Union’s Marie Curie program “BODILYSELF” Vestibular and multisensory investigations of bodily self-consciousness. Investigateur principal (100 000 euros gĂ©rĂ©s par le CNRS).
  • 2011 – 2013 : VolkswagenStiftung’s European Platform for Life Sciences, Mind Sciences and the Humanities. “The (Un)bound Body project. Exploring the constraints of embodiment & the limits of body representation”. Co-investigateur (90 000 euros).
Parcours de recherche
  • Depuis octobre 2023 : Directeur de recherche (DR2) au CNRS. Section 26.
  • 2015: Habilitation Ă  Diriger des Recherches (Sciences)
  • 2011-2023 : ChargĂ© de recherche au CNRS au LNIA, puis LNSC, puis LNC.
  • 2010-2011 : Post-doctoral researcher. Laboratory of Cognitive Psychology (Prof. Fred Mast), Department of Psychology, UniversitĂ€t Bern, Switzerland.
  • 2006-2009 : Post-doctoral researcher. Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience (Prof. Olaf Blanke), Brain-Mind Institute, Ecole Polytechnique FĂ©dĂ©rale de Lausanne (EPFL), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • 2004-2005 : AttachĂ© temporaire d’enseignement et de recherche en neurosciences. UniversitĂ© de Provence, Marseille.
  • 2001-2005 : Doctorant allocataire de recherche MENRT. Laboratoire de Neurobiologie IntĂ©grative et Adaptative. UniversitĂ© de Provence, Marseille (Dr. M. Lacour ; Dr. L. Borel).
  • 2001-2004 : Moniteur de l’enseignement supĂ©rieur. UniversitĂ© de Provence, Marseille.


H Index = 35 (Google Scholar): https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=je-YQlkAAAAJ&hl=fr 

  1. LOPEZ C. and CULLEN K. (2024) Electrical stimulation of the peripheral and central vestibular system. Current Opinion in Neurology. 37(1): 40–51. 10.1097/WCO.0000000000001228 [IF2021 = 6.283]
  2. ERDENIZ B., TEKGÜN E., LENGGENHAGER B. and LOPEZ C. (2023) Visual perspective, distance, and felt presence of others in dreams. Consciousness and Cognition. In press (22/06). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.concog.2023.103547 [IF2021 = 2.728]
  3. DARY Z. and LOPEZ C. (2023) Understanding the neural bases of bodily self-consciousness: recent achievements and main challenges. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 17:1145924. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnint.2023.1145924 IF2021 = 3.213]
  4. LACOUR M., LOPEZ C., THIRY A. and TARDIVET L. (2023) Vestibular rehabilitation improves spontaneous nystagmus normalization in patients with acute unilateral vestibulopathy. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences. 4:1122301.https://doi.org/10.3389/fresc.2023.1122301
  5. VILLARD C., DARY Z., LÉONARD J., MEDINA VILLALON S., CARRON R., MAKHALOVA J., LAGARDE S., LOPEZ C. and BARTOLOMEI F. (2023) The origin of pleasant sensations: insight from direct electrical brain stimulation. Cortex. 164: 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2023.03.007 [IF2021 = 4.644]
  6. DARY Z., LENGGENHAGER B., LAGARDE S., MEDINA VILLALON S., BARTOLOMEI F. and LOPEZ C. (2023) Neural bases of the bodily self as revealed by electrical brain stimulation: a systematic review. Human Brain Mapping. 44(7): 2936–2959. https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.26253 [IF2021 = 5.399]
  7. GAMMERI R., LÉONARD J., BESNARD S., MACHADO M.L., TOUPET M., VAN NECHEL C., HAUTEFORT C., NAKUL E., MONTAVA M., LAVIEILLE J.P. and LOPEZ C. (2022) Navigation strategies in patients with vestibular loss tested in a virtual reality T-Maze. Journal of Neurology. 269(8): 4333−4348. doi: 10.1007/s00415-022-11069-z [IF2021 = 6.682]
  8. NAKUL E., BARTOLOMEI F. and LOPEZ C. (2021) Vestibular-evoked cerebral potentials. Frontiers in Neurology. 12: 674100. https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2021.674100 [IF2020 = 4.003]
  9. NAKUL E., JEANNIN R. and LOPEZ C. (2021) A new device to restore sensory congruency in virtual reality and to prevent cybersickness. IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 156–160. DOI: 10.1109/VRW52623.2021.00036
  10. NAKUL E., DABBARD C. TOUPET M., HAUTEFORT C., VAN NECHEL C., LENGGENHAGER B. and LOPEZ C.(2020) Interoception and embodiment in patients with bilateral vestibulopathy. Journal of Neurology. 267(1): 109–117. [IF2021 = 6.682]
  11. MELDRUM D., BURROWS L., CAKRT O., KERKENI H., LOPEZ C., TJERNSTRÖM F., VEREECK L., ZUR O. and JAHN K. (2020) Vestibular rehabilitation in Europe: A survey of clinical and research practice. Journal of Neurology. 267(1): 24–35. [IF2021 = 6.682]
  12. JACOB A., TWARD D.J., RESNICK S., SMITH P.F., LOPEZ C., REBELLO E., WEI. E.X., RATNANATHER J.T., and AGRAWAL Y. (2020) Vestibular function and cortical and sub-cortical alterations in an aging population. Heliyon, 6(8): e04728. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04728
  13. NAKUL E., DABBARD C. TOUPET M., HAUTEFORT C., VAN NECHEL C., LENGGENHAGER B. and LOPEZ C.(2020) Body-maps of emotions in bilateral vestibulopathy. Journal of Neurology. 267(1): 104–108. [IF2021 = 6.682]
  14. PALLUEL E., FALCONER C., LOPEZ C., MARCHESOTTI S., HARTMANN M., BLANKE O., and MAST F.W. (2020) Imagined paralysis alters somatosensory-evoked potentials. Cognitive Neuroscience. 11(14): 205–215. [IF2017 = 3.417]
  15. NAKUL E., ORLANDO-DESSAINTS N., LENGGENHAGER B. and LOPEZ C. (2020) Measuring perceived self-location in virtual reality. Scientific Reports, 10(1): 6802. [IF2021 = 4.996]
  16. LOPEZ C., TOUPET M., VAN NECHEL C. and BOZORG GAYELI A. (2020) Editorial: Role of the inner ear in self and environment perception. Frontiers in Neurology, 11:12[IF2021 = 4.086]
  17. PAVLIDOU A., GALLHAGER M., [LOPEZ C.* and FERRÈ E.R.*] (2019) Lets share our perspective: but only if our body postures match. Cortex, 119: 575–579. [IF2017 = 4.907]
  18. DEROUALLE D., BOREL L., TANGUY B., BERNARD-DEMANZE L., DEVEZE A., MONTAVA M., LAVIEILLE J.P. andLOPEZ C. (2019) Unilateral vestibular deafferentation impairs embodied spatial cognition. Journal of Neurology, 266(Suppl.1): 149–159. [IF2021 = 6.682]
  19. ZWERGAL A., GRILL E., LOPEZ C. and DIETERICH M. (2019) DIZZYNET 2019: approaching the future of vestibular research. Journal of Neurology, 266(Suppl.1): 1–2. [IF2021 = 6.682]
  20. JAHN K., LOPEZ C., ZWERGAL A., ZUR O., CAKRT O., KELLERER S., KERKENI H., TJERNSTRÖM F., and MELDRUM D; Vestibular Rehabilitation Research Group in the European DIZZYNET. (2019) Vestibular Rehabilitation therapy in Europe: chances and challenges. Journal of Neurology, 266(Suppl.1): 9–10. [IF2021 = 6.682]
  21. THÜR C., ROEL LESUR M., BOCKISCH C., LOPEZ C. and LENGGENHAGER B. (2019) The tilted self: visuo-vestibular mismatch in the full-body illusion. Frontiers in Neurology, 10: 436. [IF2017 = 3.508]
  22. KIM J.M., MUN S.K., YOO I.H., LOPEZ C. and KIM J.S. (2018) Vertigo and impaired pursuit eye movements in a small medial superior temporal infarction. Journal of Neurology, 265: 2740–2742. [IF2021 = 6.682]
  23. LOPEZ C., NAKUL E., PREUSS N., ELZIERE M. and MAST F.W. (2018) Distorted own-body representations in patients with dizziness and during caloric vestibular stimulation. Journal of Neurology, 265(Suppl.1): 86–94. [IF2018 = 4.204]
  24. LOPEZ C. and ELZIÈRE M. (2018) Out-of-body experience in vestibular disorders – a prospective study of 210 patients with dizziness. Cortex, 104: 193–206. [IF2017 = 4.907]
  25. PAVLIDOU A., FERRÈ E.R., and LOPEZ C. (2018) Vestibular stimulation makes people more egocentric. Cortex, 101: 302–305. [IF2017 = 4.907]
  26. NAKUL E. and LOPEZ C. (2017) Commentary: Out-of-body experience during awake craniotomy. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11:417. [IF = 3.209]
  27. DEROUALLE D., TOUPET M., VAN NECHEL C., DUQUESNE U., HAUTEFORT C. and LOPEZ C. (2017) Anchoring the self to the body in chronic bilateral vestibular failure. Plos One, 12(1):e0170488. [IF = 4.411]
  28. DIEGUEZ S. and LOPEZ C. (2017) The bodily self: insights from clinical and experimental research. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 60(3): 198–207. [IF = 3.342]
  29. GALE S., PRSA M., SHURGER A., GAY A., PAILLARD A., HERBELIN B., GUYOT J.P., LOPEZ C. and BLANKE O. (2016) Oscillatory neural responses evoked by natural vestibular stimuli in humans. Journal of Neurophysiology, 115(3): 1228–1242. [IF = 2.887]
  30. LOPEZ C. (2016) The vestibular system: balancing more than just the body. Current Opinion in Neurology, 29(1):74-83. [IF = 5.31]
  31. BESNARD S., LOPEZ C., BRANDT T., DENISE P. and SMITH P.F. (2015) Editorial: The vestibular system in cognitive and memory processes in mammals. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 9:55. [IF = 2.810]
  32. LOPEZ C., FALCONER C.J., DEROUALLE D. and MAST F.W. (2015) In the presence of others: self-location, balance control and vestibular processing. Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology, 45: 241–254. [IF = 1.593]
  33. DEROUALLE D., BOREL L., DEVÈZE A. and LOPEZ C. (2015) Changing perspective: the role of vestibular signals. Neuropsychologia, 79: 175–185. [IF = 3.30]
  34. LOPEZ C. (2015) Making sense of the body: the role of vestibular signals. Multisensory Research, 28(5–6): 525–557.
  35. DEVÈZE A., MONTAVA M., LOPEZ C., LACOUR M., MAGNAN J. and BOREL L. (2015) Vestibular compensation following vestibular neurotomy. European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases, 132: 197–203.
  36. LOPEZ C. and BLANKE O. (2014) Nobel Prize Centenary: Robert BĂĄrĂĄny and the vestibular system. Current Biology, 24(21): R1026–R1028. [IF = 9.92]
  37. [MAZZOLA L.*, LOPEZ C.*], FAILLENOT I., CHOUCHOU F., MAUGUIÈRE F. and ISNARD J. (2014) Vestibular responses to direct stimulation of the human insular cortex. Annals of Neurology, 76(4): 609–619 [*Shared first authorship].[IF = 11.91]
  38. FERRÈ E.R., LOPEZ C. and HAGGARD P. (2014) Anchoring the self to the body: Vestibular contribution to the sense of self. Psychological Science, 25(11): 2106–2108. [IF = 5.667]
  39. DEROUALLE D. and LOPEZ C. (2014) Toward a vestibular contribution to social cognition. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 8:16. [IF = 2.810]
  40. LOPEZ C. (2013) A neuroscientific account of how vestibular disorders impair bodily self-consciousness. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 7:91. [IF = 2.810]
  41. SERINO A., ALSMITH A., COSTANTINI M., MANDRIGIN A., TAJADURA-JIMENEZ A., and LOPEZ C. (2013) Bodily ownership and self-location: components of bodily self-consciousness. Consciousness and Cognition, 22(4): 1239–1252. [IF = 2.144]
  42. LOPEZ C., FALCONER C.J. and MAST F.W. (2013) Being moved by the self and others: influence of empathy on self-motion perception. Plos One, 8(1): e48293.
  43. PFEIFFER C., LOPEZ C., SCHMUTZ V., DUENAS J.A., MARTUZZI R., and BLANKE O. (2013) Multisensory origin of the subjective first-person perspective: Visual, tactile, and vestibular mechanisms. Plos One, 8(4): e61751.
  44. LOPEZ C., SCHREYER H-M., PREUSS N. and MAST F.W. (2012) Vestibular stimulation modifies the body schema.Neuropsychologia, 50: 1830–1837.
  45. LOPEZ C., BLANKE O. and MAST F.W. (2012) The vestibular cortex in the human brain revealed by coordinate-based activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis. Neuroscience, 212: 159–79.
  46. LOPEZ C., BIERI C.P., PREUSS N. and MAST F.W. (2012) Tactile and vestibular mechanisms underlying ownership for body parts: a non-visual variant of the rubber hand illusion. Neuroscience Letters, 511: 120–124.
  47. LOPEZ C. and BLANKE O. (2011) The thalamocortical vestibular system in animals and humans. Brain Research Reviews, 67(1–2): 119–146. [IF2011 = 10.342]
  48. PÉRUCH P., LOPEZ C., REDON C., ESCOFFIER G., ZEITOUN A., SANJUANE M., DEVÈZE A., MAGNAN J. and BOREL L. (2011) Vestibular information is necessary for maintaining metric properties of representational space. Evidence from mental imagery. Neuropsychologia, 49: 3136–3144.
  49. LOPEZ C., MERCIER M., HALJE P. and BLANKE O. (2011) Spatiotemporal dynamics of visual vertical judgments: Early and late brain mechanisms as revealed by high-density electrical neuroimaging. Neuroscience, 181: 134–149.
  50. HEYDRICH L., LOPEZ C., SEECK M. and BLANKE O. (2011) Partial and full own body illusions of epileptic origin in a child with right temporo-parietal epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 20(3): 583–586.
  51. [REDON C.*, LOPEZ C.*], BERNARD-DEMANZE L., DUMITRESCU M., MAGNAN J., LACOUR M. and BOREL L. (2011) Betahistine treatment improves the recovery of static symptoms in patients with unilateral vestibular loss. [*Shared first authorship]. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 51(4): 538–548.
  52. LOPEZ C., VIBERT D. and MAST F.W. (2011) Can imagined whole-body rotations improve vestibular compensation? Medical Hypotheses, 76: 816–819.
  53. LOPEZ C. and BLANKE O. (2010) How body position influences the perception and conscious experience of corporeal and extrapersonal space. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 2(3): 195–202.
  54. LOPEZ C., LENGGENHAGER B. and BLANKE O. (2010) How vestibular stimulation interacts with illusory hand ownership. Consciousness and Cognition, 19(1): 33–47.
  55. LOPEZ C., HEYDRICH L., SEECK M. and BLANKE O. (2010) Abnormal self-location and vestibular vertigo in a patient with right frontal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 17(2): 289–292.
  56. LOPEZ C., BACHOFNER C., MERCIER M. and BLANKE O. (2009) Gravity and observer’s body orientation influence the visual perception of human body postures. Journal of Vision, 9(5):1, 1–14.
  57. LACOUR M., DUTHEIL S., TIGHILET B., LOPEZ C. and BOREL L. (2009) Tell me your vestibular deficit, and I’ll tell you how you’ll compensate. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1164: 268–278.
  58. BOREL L., LOPEZ C., PÉRUCH P. and LACOUR M. (2008) Vestibular syndrome: a change in internal spatial representation. Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology, 38(6): 375–389.
  59. LOPEZ C., HALJE P. and BLANKE O. (2008) Body ownership and embodiment. Vestibular and multisensory mechanisms. Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology, 38(3): 149–161.
  60. LENGGENHAGER B., LOPEZ C. and BLANKE O. (2008) Influence of galvanic vestibular stimulation on egocentric and object-based mental transformations. Experimental Brain Research, 184(2): 211–221.
  61. LOPEZ C., LACOUR M., LÉONARD J., MAGNAN J. and BOREL L. (2008) How body position changes visual vertical perception after unilateral vestibular loss. Neuropsychologia, 46(9): 2435–2440.
  62. LOPEZ C., LACOUR M., MAGNAN J., EL AHMADI A. S. and BOREL L. (2007) Changes of visual vertical perception: a long-term sign of unilateral and bilateral vestibular loss. Neuropsychologia, 45(9): 2025-2037.
  63. LOPEZ C., BOREL L., MAGNAN J. and LACOUR M. (2006) Visual field dependence-independence before and after unilateral vestibular loss. Neuroreport, 17(8): 797–803.
  64. LOPEZ C., BOREL L., MAGNAN J. and LACOUR M. (2005) Torsional optokinetic responses after unilateral vestibular loss: asymmetry and compensation. Brain, 128(7): 1511–1524. [IF2017 = 10.848]
  65. GHULYAN V., PAOLINO M., LOPEZ C., DUMITRESCU M. and LACOUR M. (2005) A new translational platform for evaluating aging or pathology-related postural disorders. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 125(6): 607–617.
  66. BOREL L., HARLAY F., LOPEZ C., MAGNAN J., CHAYS A. and LACOUR M. (2004) Walking performance of vestibular-defective patients before and after unilateral vestibular neurotomy. Behavioural Brain Research, 150(1-2): 191–200.

Preprints déposés dans des archives ouvertes

  1. NAKUL E., DEROUALLE D., MONTAVA M., LAVIEILLE J.P. and LOPEZ C. (2022, September 17) Observing the self and other in motion modulates the excitability of vestibulocollic reflexes. BioArXiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.09.16.503320
  2. LOPEZ C. and ELZIÈRE M. (2022, May 16). French translation of the Cambridge Depersonalization scale. PsyArXivhttps://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/cafgk 
  3. MELETAKI V., GOBINET M., LÉONARD J., ELZIÈRE M. and LOPEZ C. (2024, January 29) French adaptation and validation of the Niigata PPPD Questionnaire: measure of severity of persistent postural perceptual dizziness and its association with psychiatric comorbidities and perceived handicap. PsyArXivhttps://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/3xm6u


TOUPET M., LACOUR M., LOPEZ C, VAN NECHEL C. (2020) Dictionnaire ExpliquĂ© des Vertiges.  Framiral Éditeur, Grasse, France.

Chapitres dans des ouvrages publiĂ©s ou online

  1. LOPEZ C. (2015) Vestibular cortex. In: Toga A.W. (Ed.). Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference. Volume 2: Anatomy and Physiology, Systems. Academic Press: Elsevier, p. 305–312. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B978012397025100227X
  2. LOPEZ C. and DIEGUEZ S. (2015) La reprĂ©sentation du corps et ses troubles: approches de la neuropsychologie et des neurosciences cognitives. In: PĂ©rennou D., Rode G., Azouvi P. and Brun V. (Eds.). La cognition spatiale. Sauramps MĂ©dical, Montpellier, p. 63–
  3. LENGGENHAGER B. and LOPEZ C. (2015) Vestibular contributions to the sense of body, self and others. In: Metzinger T. & Windt J. (Eds.). Open MIND. MIND Group, Frankfurt am Main, p. 1– http://open-mind.net/papers/vestibular-contributions-to-the-sense-of-bod... published as: LENGGENHAGER B. and LOPEZ C. (2016) Vestibular contributions to the sense of body, self and others. In: Open MIND: Philosophy and the Mind Sciences in the 21st Century. Metzinger T.K. & Windt J.M. Volume 1, 1st Ed. Cambridge MA USA: The MIT Press.
  4. LENGGENHAGER B. and LOPEZ C. (2015) Vestibular sense and perspectival experience. A commentary on Alsmith. In: Metzinger T. & Windt J. (Eds.). Open MIND. MIND Group, Frankfurt am Main, p. 1– http://open-mind.net/papers/vestibular-sense-and-perspectival-experience... published as: LENGGENHAGER B. and LOPEZ C. (2016) Vestibular sense and perspectival experience. A commentary on Alsmith. In: Open MIND: Philosophy and the Mind Sciences in the 21st Century. Metzinger T.K. & Windt J.M. Volume 1, 1st Ed. Cambridge MA USA: The MIT Press.
  5. BOREL L., LOPEZ C., PERUCH P. and LACOUR M. (2012) ReprĂ©sentation de l’espace et du corps aprĂšs atteinte vestibulaire. In: PĂ©rennou D., Nougier V., HonorĂ© J. and Lacour M. (Eds.). ContrĂŽle postural, espace, locomotion. De Boeck-Solal, Paris, p. 145–
  6. LOPEZ C. and BLANKE O. (2007) Neuropsychology and neurophysiology of self-consciousness. Multisensory and vestibular mechanisms. In: Holderegger A., Sitter-Liver B., Hess C. W. and Rager G. (Eds.). Hirnforschung und Menschenbild. BeitrĂ€ge zur interdisziplinĂ€ren VerstĂ€ndigung. Academic Press, Fribourg and Schwabe, Basel, p. 183–
  7. LOPEZ C., LACOUR M., BALLESTER M. J., ANTON J. L., NAZARIAN B., ROTH M. and BOREL L. (2006) Les zones corticales impliquĂ©es dans la perception de la verticale. In: Rougier P. and Lacour M. (Eds.). De Marey Ă  nos jours: un siĂšcle de recherches sur la posture et le mouvement. Solal, Marseille, p. 97–
  8. LOPEZ C., LACOUR M., EL AHMADI A. S., MAGNAN J. and BOREL L. (2006) Perception de la verticale en prĂ©sence d’informations visuelles dynamiques. Effets comparĂ©s d’une perte vestibulaire unilatĂ©rale et bilatĂ©rale. In: PĂ©rennou D. and Lacour M. (Eds.). Efficience et dĂ©ficiences du contrĂŽle postural. Solal, Marseille, p. 77–
  9. BOREL L., LOPEZ C., MAGNAN J. and LACOUR M. (2006) Perte vestibulaire: quelles consĂ©quences sur la dĂ©pendance visuelle ? In: Rougier P. et Lacour M. (Eds.). De Marey Ă  nos jours: un siĂšcle de recherches sur la posture et le mouvement. Solal, Marseille, p. 139–
  10. LOPEZ C., LACOUR M. and BOREL L. (2005) Perception de la verticalitĂ© et reprĂ©sentations spatiales dans les aires corticales vestibulaires. In: Lacour M. and Weber B. (Eds.). BipĂ©die, contrĂŽle postural et reprĂ©sentation corticale. Solal, Marseille, p. 35–
  11. LOPEZ C., BOREL L., MAGNAN J. and LACOUR M. (2004) Stabilisation du regard par le rĂ©flexe optocinĂ©tique torsionnel avant et aprĂšs neurotomie vestibulaire unilatĂ©rale. In: Lacour M. and Van Celst M. (Eds.). Nouvelles MĂ©thodes de Traitement du Signal Posturographique. Applications en Recherche Fondamentale et Clinique. Solal, Marseille, p. 93–
  12. GHULYAN V., PAOLINO M., LOPEZ C., DUMITRESCU M. and LACOUR M. (2004) Evaluation des dĂ©ficits posturaux de sujets ĂągĂ©s ou pathologiques. IntĂ©rĂȘt de nouvelles mĂ©thodes de traitement stabilomĂ©trique. In: Lacour M. and Van Celst M. (Eds.). Nouvelles MĂ©thodes de Traitement du Signal Posturographique. Applications en Recherche Fondamentale et Clinique. Solal, Marseille, p. 33–
  13. LOPEZ C., BOREL L., MAGNAN J. and LACOUR M. (2003) Relations entre posture, oculomotricitĂ© et perception de la verticalitĂ© au cours de la compensation vestibulaire. StratĂ©gies individuelles et processus communs. In: Dupui Ph., Montoya R. and Lacour M. (Eds.). Posture et Ă©quilibre. Physiologie, Techniques, Pathologies. Solal, Marseille, p. 103–
  14. LACOUR M., LOPEZ C., BOREL L. and MAGNAN J. (2003) RĂ©fĂ©rentiels spatiaux et contrĂŽle postural. Illustration de processus vicariants idiosyncrasiques en pathologie vestibulaire. In: Weber B. and Villeneuve P. (Eds.). Pied, Equilibre et Traitements Posturaux. Masson, Paris, p. 37–46.


Formation initiale (Ă©tudiants en sciences):
  • Cours du Master 2 Neurosciences Ă  Aix Marseille UniversitĂ© « PlasticitĂ© des reprĂ©sentations du soi et du corps Â». 9h
  • Cours du Master 1 Neurosciences Ă  Aix Marseille UniversitĂ© « Contributions vestibulaires aux reprĂ©sentations spatiales et corporelles Â». 3h (2011-2018)
Formation continue (médicale et paramédicale):
  • Cours du DiplĂŽme Inter-Universitaire de posturologie clinique Ă  Aix Marseille UniversitĂ© « Le systĂšme vestibulaire et le rĂ©fĂ©rentiel spatial gĂ©ocentrique Â».  3h
  • Cours du DiplĂŽme Inter-Universitaire vertige et rĂ©Ă©ducation vestibulaire Ă  l’UniversitĂ© Paris 6 « Physiologie vestibulaire et contrĂŽle vestibulaire de la posture et du regard Â» et « SystĂšme vestibulaire et reprĂ©sentations du corps et de l’espace Â». 3h
  • Cours du DiplĂŽme Universitaire de physiopathologie et explorations des fonctions neurosensorielles en ORL Ă  UniversitĂ© Paris 7 « Les voies vestibulaires centrales Â». 3h
  • Cours du DiplĂŽme Universitaire de prise en charge des pathologies audio-vestibulaires : des mĂ©canismes a la pratique Ă  l’UniversitĂ© Claude Bernard Lyon 1 « Comprendre les rĂ©percussions cognitives des troubles vestibulaires Â». 1h30


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