Photo Simon THIBAULT
Séminaires du lundi 23 Septembre 11h-12h
Simon THIBAULT, Thomas Jefferson University "The neurocognitive bases of tool use"
Photo Isabelle DAUTRICHE
Nouvelle ERC Starting Grant au CRPN
F.é.l.i.c.i.t.a.t.i.o.n.s. à Isabelle DAUTRICHE
Photo Proprioception Ado
Recherche de participants pour une étude de la proprioception
Etude sur la perception du mouvement chez les adolescents
Photo Hippolyte Gros
Bienvenue à Hippolyte GROS dans l'Equipe DEPHY
Photo Toucher Caresse
Publi Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
de Léonard SAMAIN-AUPIC, Mariama DIONE, Edith RIBOT-CISCAR, Rochelle ACKERLEY, Jean-Marc AIMONETTI "Relations between tactile sensitivity of the finger, arm, and cheek skin over the lifespan showing
Le Labo des Minots au Souk des Sciences
Mercredi 10 Juillet de 10h à 18h, Marseille Vieux Port - Accès libre et gratuit ! Distribution de matière grise, démonstrations, expériences, rencontres avec des chercheurs ...
Article dans Nature Com d'Adrien MEGUERDITCHIAN et al.
"Planum Temporale asymmetry in newborn monkeys predicts the future development of gestural communication's handedness"
Nouvelle publi Nature Com - Scientific Reports
"Developmental changes of bodily self-consciousness in adolescent girls" Lisa RAOUL, Cédric GOULON, Fabrice SARLEGNA & Marie-Hélène GROBRAS
Recrutement expérience Eye Tracking
Besoin de personnes entre 60 et 75 ans pour réaliser une expérience d'une heure en eye-tracking.
Main Marius Labo des Minots
Le Labo des Minots recrute des participants
Venez nous aider à faire avancer la science !
Photo Hippolyte Gros

Les séminaires du Lundi ont le plaisir d’accueillir Hippolyte GROS (Maître de Conférence qui vient de rejoindre l'équipe DEPHY

Quand : le 9 Septembre de 11 h à 12h.

Où : Salle 9-050 – Bâtiment 9 – Campus Marseille St Charles

Accueil café 15 minutes avant. 

*** TitleCounting on context: Investigating the role of semantic congruence in learning arithmetic word problem solving


Learning to solve arithmetic problems requires developing the ability to see beyond their surface features and to identify their abstract structure. However, we argue that individuals across all age groups, from children to expert mathematicians, struggle with engaging in decontextualized mathematical reasoning. We introduce a conceptual model of semantic congruence to describe the crucial role of general, non-mathematical knowledge in shaping individuals' representations of math problems. Through a series of studies involving arithmetic word problems, we investigate predictions from this model regarding the interplay of mathematical and world semantics in the encoding, recoding, and solving of arithmetic word problems. By analyzing behavioral and physiological data including strategy choice, drawing production, problem categorization, pupil dilation, eye movements, and false memories, we identify key sources of difficulties learners encounter when solving arithmetic problems. Reflecting on the educational implications of these findings, we mention some of the lines of research we are currently pursuing in the hopes of promoting transfer and flexible problem solving in classroom settings. 
