LaMA: Langage et Musique en Action


▪ 2024-2028: Head of the Master program in cognitive science (MaSCo), with Noël Nguyen (LPL) 
▪ 2018-2024: Coordinator of the Music, Language and Writing (MuLaW) team, Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives
▪ 2022- : Coordinator of the pilot team AMPIRIC : " Writing and Spelling, Evaluate, Test and Train " (Pôle pilote de formation des enseignants et de recherche pour l'éducation ; https://beta.ampiric.fr/)
▪ 2018-2024 : Head of the Language Communication and the Brain track of the Master in Cognitive Sciences, Aix-Marseille Université
▪ 2018- : Member of the directory board of the Institute for Language Communication and the Brain (Convergence, ILCB; https://www.ilcb.fr/)
▪ 2019-2022: Appointed member of the National Universitary Committee (CNU), section 69
▪ 2021- : Member of the Scientific Committee, NeuroDys PACA (https://www.neurodyspaca.org/)

Supervision/co-supervision : 7 PhD students (3 in progress):

Gaelle Alhaddad (Neuroschool, 2020-)
Aude Frixons (CIFRE, 2022-)
Yitong Zuo (AMPIRIC, 2023-)

Yannick Wamain 100% (2011)
Fabien Dal Maso 50% (2011) with David Amarantini
Sarah Palmis 100% (2019)
Elie Fabiani 50% (2021) With JL Velay, R Tsao

Domaines de recherche

Cognitive and neural bases of handwriting and typing in adults and children

- Neural correlates of handwriting (fMRI, kinematics)
- Interactions between linguistic processing and motor control in handwriting and typing (fMRI, EEG, behavior)
- Biscriptuality
- Functional brain changes during handwriting acquisition (fMRI and morphometry)
- Planning of keystrokes in word typing (behavior, EEG)

My previous work dealt with the contribution of handwriting knowledge to visual recognition of single characters. I compared training via typing vs handwriting in children or in adults who were learning a new alphabet. I also did some studies on visual perception of handwritten characters.

My current work focuses on the cognitive and neural bases of handwriting and typing in adults and children. I study the neural correlates of handwriting using fMRI and EEG coupled with kinematics data acquired on a digitizing tablet, in monoscriptuals and biscriptuals (experts in two different scripts). I am also interested in functional brain changes during handwriting acquisition (behavior, fMRI and morphometry). I study the interactions between linguistic processing and motor control in handwriting and typing using fMRI, EEG and behavior, and motor processes involved in the planning of keystrokes in word typing (behavior, EEG).



Language, Communication and the Brain 1 and 2 (en anglais), Langage écrit, M1, M2 de Sciences Cognitives
Données en Sciences Cognitives, Données en SC (en anglais), Données IRM, M1 Sciences Cognitives
Renforcement en Neurosciences Cognitives, Généralités, Cognition incarnée, L3 SV Neurosciences
Utilisation de plateformes, TPs au centre IRMf, M2 Sciences Cognitives
Fonctions Mentales, Contrôle moteur de l'écriture, M2 Neurosciences
De la perception à l'action, EMG, contrôle moteur, pathologies, L3 SV Neurosciences
TP intégrés Biostatistiques et analyse de données, L2 Sciences de la Vie

Publications de l'auteur