Soutenance de Thèse Camille LALLEMENT (Éq. DEPHY) - 29/11 14h30
"Effets des émotions sur les performances arithmétiques au cours du vieillissement : études de comportement et de neuroimagerie."
Les Séminaires du Lundi accueillent Rochelle ACKERLEY Lundi 2/12 de 11h à 12h Salle des Voûtes
"The story of C-tactile (CT) afferents and their implications for affective touch"
Rencontre inédite entre patients atteints de pathologie du vertige et chercheurs en neurosciences
Organisée le 23/11 par le Dr Maya ELZIERE, Hôpital Européen. Participation du CRPN : Liliane Borel, Christophe Lopez, Christian Chabbert & Brahim TIGHILET
Publi Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
"Age-based stereotype threat effects on dynamic balance in healthy older adults"
Le CRPN à la Convention Scientifique de l'Institut Carnot Cognition
4 Chercheurs du laboratoire ont répondu présents à la Convention les 27 & 28 Novembre Campus Condorcet Paris. Anne KAVOUNOUDIAS, Patrick LEMAIRE, Marie MONTANT & Christophe LOPEZ (Resp. Pôle Sud)
Bienvenue aux nouveaux étudiants !
L'équipe de Direction a accueilli les nouveaux entrants lors d'une matinée de présentation.
Workshop on Multimodality in Social Interactions
December 2nd & 3rd - Campus de Marseille St Charles Posters session also - Register Now !
Soutenance de Thèse Angélique LAMONTAGNE Lundi 9 décembre - 14h30
"Bases cognitives de la synchronisation comportementale chez le chien : effet des modulateurs sociaux"
Nouvelle Publi Scientific Reports Éole LAPEYRE
"Pulsed lighting for adults with Dyslexia: very limited impact, confined to individuals with severe reading deficits"
Christian CHABBERT (Eq. Vestimed) rejoint le réseau ...
des Ambassadeurs de l'Innovation du CNRS !

"The story of C-tactile (CT) afferents and their implications for affective touch"

Quand : Lundi 2 Décembre de 11h à 12h en Salle des Voûtes. Accueil Café 15' avant.

Abstract: Since their initial discovery in cats, low-threshold C-fiber mechanoreceptors, known as C-tactile (CT) afferents in humans, have captivated researchers over their properties and potential role in affective touch. Researchers have been recording from CT afferents for over 30 years, yet only a handful of papers have described their characteristics. I will summarize these and extend our ideas on what we believe CTs to do. This ranges from their exquisite sensitivity to gentle stroking, through to their optimal activation at different temperatures. I will link this to perceptual studies using similar approaches and highlight what we know – and do not know – about the role of CTs in touch. Although CTs likely support gentle, positive affective touch encoding, affective touch is much more than this, as not every affective touch experience relies on CTs or must necessarily be pleasant.
