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Photo Laetitia CHAUVIERE

Les SĂ©minaires du Lundi accueillent Lundi 29 Janvier 11h - 12h Laetitia CHAUVIERE  - Institute for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Cologne, Köln, Germany. 

En Salle des Voûtes - Accueil Café petits gùteaux 15 ' avant.

Titre : Early cognitive deficits in related brain diseases: identifying a link with disease onset towards preventive interventions

Un rĂ©sumĂ© : Brain diseases are a societal, economic, and health challenge with a paucity of disease-modifying therapies for brain diseases; therefore preventive measures are a health priority. Despite being clinically heterogeneous, brain diseases share multiple commonalities. My hypothesis is that early cognitive deficits could thus constitute a broad biomarker of brain diseases and reveal common endophenotypes. The main research question I want to investigate is whether normalizing abnormal network dynamics underlying (or even predating) those early cognitive deficits could delay or prevent disease onset? In my presentation I will present this research line, some previous work related to it as well as some current work in temporal lobe epilepsy.

Equipe invitante BNCS (Bases Neurales de la Cognition Sociale)