Publi dans Cortex - Isabelle REGNER


"Age-based stereotype threat effects : From the laboratory to the clinical setting"

Isabelle REGNER, Eq.ATYPICS, Pascal HUGUET, LAPSCO, Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA)

Abstract: Age-based stereotype threat effects : From the laboratory to the clinical setting

Age-Based Stereotype Threat (ABST) adversely affects older adults' memory performance by inducing anxiety and interfering thoughts related to negative stereotypes about aging and memory decline. While well-documented in laboratory settings, the relevance of ABST in real-life clinical contexts remains underexplored. This narrative review examines the effects of ABST and its implications for cognitive aging, emphasizing the importance of addressing ABST in clinical settings. We review key laboratory findings and the limited studies that simulate clinical environments, highlighting their methodological limitations. The review underscores the need for further research involving actual patients, tested within real clinical setting and using appropriate interventions to reduce ABST. Proactive interventions such as educational debriefing and expressive writing, are promising methods adapted to clinical settings. By enhancing our understanding and mitigation of ABST in clinical practice, we can improve the accuracy and reliability of neuropsychological assessments, leading to better diagnostic outcomes for older adults.


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