Neurostories 2025, 6e édition inscrivez-vous !
Rendez-vous Jeudi 30 Janvier 19h 63 La Canebière - Marseille 3 Membres du CRPN participent : Rochelle ACKERLEY, Sophia FARESSE & Stéphanie KHALFA "Entre raison & sentiment mon cerveau balance"
Xavier ALARIO publie chez Odile Jacob
L'Esprit des Mots. Pour une nouvelle neurosciences du langage.
Main Marius Labo des Minots
Article dans la Marseillaise, Visites Insolites
Le Labo des Minots a ouvert ses portes dans le cadre des Visites Insolites organisées par le CNRS : Un vrai succès !
Zoltan Dienes
Séminaire Neuroschool - Zoltan DIENES
Registered Reports: Shaking up the role of publishers
Nouvelle publi Nature Communications - Adrien MEGUERDITCHIAN et al.
Planum temporale asymmetry in newborn monkeys predicts the future development of gestural communication’s handedness
Photo Isabelle DAUTRICHE
Nouvelle ERC Starting Grant au CRPN
F.é.l.i.c.i.t.a.t.i.o.n.s. à Isabelle DAUTRICHE
Photo Proprioception Ado
Recherche de participants pour une étude de la proprioception
Etude sur la perception du mouvement chez les adolescents
Main Marius Labo des Minots
Le Labo des Minots recrute des participants
Venez nous aider à faire avancer la science !
Au coeur du campus historique de Marseille St Charles
Capsule Caroline CHAMBON - Equipe RéadApt 2C
"L'entraînement cognitif pour remédier au déclin cognitif lié à l'âge"
Photo Toucher Caresse

Nouvelle publication dans Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience de Léonard SAMAIN-AUPIC, Mariama DIONE, Edith RIBOT-CISCAR, Rochelle ACKERLEY & Jean-Marc AIMONETTI - Equipe MULTISENSE & BODY

"Relations between tactile sensitivity of the finger, arm, and cheek skin over the lifespan showing decline only on the finger"

Touch sensitivity generally declines with age, contributing to loss of manual dexterity and tactile function. We investigated how touch changes over the lifespan, using different tests and on three body sites. We used a classical test of force detection sensitivity, where calibrated monofilaments were applied passively to the right index finger pad, forearm, and cheek. In addition, at the index, we used an active touch spatial discrimination task, developed by our group. Spatial discrimination was estimated through participants' ability to evaluate the distance between parallel bands printed on acrylic plates. Data were collected from 96 healthy women, aged 20–75 years. Force detection and tactile spatial discrimination on the index deteriorated significantly with age; however, no change was found for tactile detection on the forearm or cheek. Tactile detection on the cheek remained remarkably highly sensitive throughout life. There was a significant positive relationship between force detection and spatial discrimination on the index. Further, force detection on the forearm was significantly associated with detection on the index and cheek. Our results suggest a decrease in touch perception with age on the index finger pad, yet a preservation of tactile sensitivity in hairy skin. This opens discussion about the impact of daily activities upon the glabrous hand skin and on the function of hairs in tactile sensitivity. We highlight the need for new methods in evaluating tactile sensitivity on hairy skin.

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Dans la presse : France Info "La sensation d'un baiser sur la joue survit aux décennies" Ecouter
