Le CRPN à la Convention Scientifique de l'Institut Carnot Cognition
4 Chercheurs du laboratoire ont répondu présents à la Convention les 27 & 28 Novembre Campus Condorcet Paris. Anne KAVOUNOUDIAS, Patrick LEMAIRE, Marie MONTANT & Christophe LOPEZ (Resp. Pôle Sud)
Bienvenue aux nouveaux étudiants !
L'équipe de Direction a accueilli les nouveaux entrants lors d'une matinée de présentation.
Workshop on Multimodality in Social Interactions
December 2nd & 3rd - Campus de Marseille St Charles Posters session also - Register Now !
Soutenance de Thèse Angélique LAMONTAGNE Lundi 9 décembre - 14h30
"Bases cognitives de la synchronisation comportementale chez le chien : effet des modulateurs sociaux"
Nouvelle Publi Scientific Reports Éole LAPEYRE
"Pulsed lighting for adults with Dyslexia: very limited impact, confined to individuals with severe reading deficits"
Christian CHABBERT (Eq. Vestimed) rejoint le réseau ...
des Ambassadeurs de l'Innovation du CNRS !
Séminaire 25 Novembre Arnaud ZALTA, 11h Salle des Voûtes
"How motor dynamics shape predictions in humans"
Rochelle Ackerley : contribution article d'opinion dans Nature
"The quest to build bionic limbs that feel like the real thing"
Soutenance Célia Laurent- 22 novembre à 14h Amphi Charve
"Bases neurales des représentations spatiales d’environnements complexes : études électrophysiologiques du cortex rétrosplénial, de l’hippocampe et du cortex entorhinal médian"
Neurostories 2025, 6e édition inscrivez-vous !
Rendez-vous Jeudi 30 Janvier 19h 63 La Canebière - Marseille 3 Membres du CRPN participent : Rochelle ACKERLEY, Sophia FARESSE & Stéphanie KHALFA "Entre raison & sentiment mon cerveau balance"

Nouvelle Publi dans Scientific Reports  d'Éole LAPEYRE (Éq. SMP) et al. 

Title: Pulsed lighting for adults with Dyslexia: very limited impact, confined to individuals with severe reading deficits

Abstract: The goal of this study is to evaluate the impact of pulsed lighting on the reading performance of young adults with dyslexia. A total of 42 participants were recruited, including individuals diagnosed with developmental dyslexia and adults without reported reading difficulties. The severity of each participant’s reading deficit was assessed on a continuous scale using a reading impairment score, derived from four reading tests: an isolated-word reading test, a pseudoword reading test, and two reading fluency tests. The impairment score ranged from 0 (no impairment) to 4 (severe impairment across all tests). To examine the potential effect of pulsed lighting, we measured (1) sentence reading speed, expressed as a reading accessibility index (ACC), and (2) text comprehension, expressed as a comprehension score. These measures were taken under three lighting conditions: standard lighting, pulsed lighting, and a combination of the two. Linear mixed-effects models were applied to assess the effects of lighting on ACC and comprehension, controlling for the reading impairment score. We found no effect of lighting conditions on either ACC or comprehension, except in the most impaired readers, who showed a small but significant increase of 7% in ACC. However, even with pulsed lighting, impaired readers did not reach the performance level of skilled adult readers. In conclusion, the study did not demonstrate a clear positive impact of pulsed lighting on the reading skills of adults with dyslexia.

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