Publi Scientific Reports - Lisa RAOUL (Eq. Contact) & Article dans "La Marseillaise" !
"Developmental changes of bodily self-consciousness in adolescent girls"
Soutenance de Thèse Raphaëlle SCHLIENGER (Eq. Multisense & Body) - Thursday 12th December
"Exploring the Role of Muscle Proprioception in Kinesthesia and Spinal Proprio-Motor Circuits via fMRI: From Fundamental to Clinical Perspectives"
Recherches dans la Ville - 4 Décembre 2024
Le CRPN y participe avec Laurence CASINI, Myriam CAYRE & Aline FREY
Séminaire 9/12 Pr Ludovic MARIN, EuroMov Digital Health in Motion, Univ. Montpellier, IMT Mines d’Ales, Montpellier, France
"Interpersonal synchronizations in healthy participants and patients suffering from social deficits "
Publi European Journal of Neuroscience, Véronique PABAN (Eq. Réadapt2C) et Al
"Exploring neurofeedback as a therapeutic intervention for subjective cognitive decline"
Rencontre inédite entre patients atteints de pathologie du vertige et chercheurs en neurosciences
Organisée le 23/11 par le Dr Maya ELZIERE, Hôpital Européen. Participation du CRPN : Liliane Borel, Christophe Lopez, Christian Chabbert & Brahim TIGHILET
Publi Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience - Liliane BOREL et al.
"Age-based stereotype threat effects on dynamic balance in healthy older adults"
Soutenance de Thèse Angélique LAMONTAGNE Lundi 9 décembre - 14h30
"Bases cognitives de la synchronisation comportementale chez le chien : effet des modulateurs sociaux"
Nouvelle Publi Scientific Reports Éole LAPEYRE
"Pulsed lighting for adults with Dyslexia: very limited impact, confined to individuals with severe reading deficits"
Christian CHABBERT (Eq. Vestimed) rejoint le réseau ...
des Ambassadeurs de l'Innovation du CNRS !
Photo Zoltan DIENES

Séminaire organisé par la Neuroschool : Zoltan DIENES

Le 20/11 (Grand Amphi, Campus St Charles), le ReproducbiliTEA seminar

🕐 15h : discussion entre les étudiants et le conférencier
🕐 16h : séminaire et questions, ouvert à tous les étudiants, chercheurs et personnel de laboratoire.
☕ Suivi d'un thé dans l'après-midi

Les doctorant.e.s du PhD Program peuvent valider 2h de formation. Voici le lien pour s'inscrire sur Ametice :

Registered Reports: Shaking up the role of publishers
In 2021 we launched a process by which Registered Reports submitted on a preprint server could be edited, reviewed and accepted (or not: "recommended" or not in our terms), in a way free for authors, free for readers, and free for institutions, using Peer Community In (PCI). (PCI is funded by a consortium of Universities, in fact 150 supporting organizations.) As the resulting manuscript is not published by us as such, it can be published by a standard journal (should an author wish). We already have 150 Stage 1 submissions accepted and 50 Stage 2s. We have (so far) 28 "PCI Friendly" journals, i.e. those that guarantee to accept any paper we have recommended, bar some minor provisions (journal remit, APCs); PCI Friendly journals include Cortex and Royal Society Open Science. The author can thus choose at the end which journal they would prefer to publish in. We hope this novel approach to scientific publishing expands beyond the Registered Reports format; A PCI PSychology is currently being organized.  We have also introduced important innovations in the Registered Report process itself to deal with some weaknesses; an intellectually superior product is offered than any for-profit journal has yet provided.  Our joint task now is to steal back the prestige we daily grant the publishing companies that use that prestige to scam us.

 Bio : 

Zoltan is a professor of psychology at the University of Sussex, where he has worked since 1990. He works in two areas: consciousness science and scientific reform. As a major part of his consciousness research, he has one of the most active labs in the world investigating hypnosis, or more generally, the process of phenomenological control. In terms of scientific reform, he has advocated methods for obtaining evidence for no effect (using Bayes factors - he provided the first online Bayes factor calculator in 2008); he was on the first Registered Reports editorial board in 2013 (an article type where papers are accepted before the data are collected); and is a co-founder of Peer Community In Registered Reports (, where scientific articles are free for authors and free for readers. He does not author, review nor edit for scientific journals run by for-profits, except for society journals (where there is some trickle down of money to an academic society).


